Sunday, November 11, 2007

My Week So Far

Well this is change since I have been neglecting this so much, in fact there has been little I have kept up on the last few months but, now I am back so you might be seeing a little more of me if all goes well.
As you all should know by know Chris left for his truer in Iraq at eleven thirty am. on the fifth. Well, he wrote me, and said that he stopped in Main, and Germany on his way to Kuwait which I guess they had a side mission for them to do there before they got to Iraq since he is spending two weeks there. But he said that he was doing good and they weren't doing all that much at the time.
As for myself, I have been busy as a bee getting everything organised, and packed ever since he left. I was going to come up the first of December, but I was having such a heard time with him not being there and the thought that the soonest I will get to see him was in seven months I decided to leave by the fifteenth so could be in time for Canada conference.
So this is how I came about my decision; The day he left was real heard and the next not much better I had a heard time falling asleep and woke up at three in the morning, and could not go back to sleep for the life of me the first night. So I left that morning to go get boxes to put his stuff away thinking that if it were out of site it would be out of mind, but it only helped a little.
So I rearranged my room which didn't help much so I started filling the leftover boxes with stuff I ran out of boxes that evening. That night I fell asleep a little easier but I woke up at five, and I decided after struggling to go back to sleep I would get boxes, and just started packing.
Well, I got a lot done that day, and had to stop since I ran out of tape The next morning it wasn't any better as far as sleep so went and got more boxes, some newspaper and tape I was on a role. I got the rest packed up except what I was taking with me.
On the ninth I got a car payment for my T-bird that am selling and went and opened a storage unit. That afternoon I started moving stuff with the kids, and we got about seven or eight loads done before I quit at about nine that night, but all I had left was a few real big boxes that were heard to fit which I moved the next day. It ended up being about three more loads so now all the boxes are moved but I am having a moving truck take the furniture this afternoon.
It turned out pretty good since I was going to rent a U-Hall truck to move everything at once, but they had a moving truck they would let me use for free. They said they would help me move the furniture so I decided to start cleaning while I waited for when they could do it which wasn't until today.
I am almost done and a little ahead of schedule I am getting so excited too.
And it is helping as far as not having Chris around I still am struggling to get rest but at least I am not so down about it now. Ready or not here I come!!!!!


Blogger Gramma said...

We do appreciate your blogs. Since everything is packed away in storate, where will you be living? Will you stay in Texas or go somewhere else. I do hope you can settle somewhere near your family. I guess you never got in touch with my nephew Greg's family at Ft. Hood. Karen is there with her family close by while he is in Iraq. He left last winter and should be coming home again soon.

8:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

please stop by .we would love to have you here. and would love to hear from you .you can email me at we are praying for you and Chris
aunt sue

8:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, we all want to see you. Please stop in before you head north. Pretty please with sugar on top.
Heather, Shawn and the girls

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Christina, Uncle Tom here. I sure would like to see you and your kids sometime soon. You are welcome to stay with us here until Conference time in December if that is possible!
I had hernia surgery last month so I won't be able to go back to driving truck till just before Thanksgiving.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Uncle Tom

10:16 AM  
Blogger ioi said...

Good job on all your packing progress! I'm glad being busy has helped a little with Chris being gone. The first few days without your man are always the most painful. That doesn't mean the pain goes away though.. it ends up more of a throbbing hurt than the sharp freshly wounded feeling. And it's probably way worse for you than anything I've experienced. I'll be praying that you keep on being strong. You should make your guys proud! ~ hugs ~

P.S. We're looking forward to seeing you! Have a safe trip and keep me posted.

11:49 PM  
Blogger knitterykate said...

Wow! I'm impressed! All that packing. It sure is nice to know that it's all done before the deadline. Looking forward to seeing you next week, D.V.

4:54 PM  

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