Sunday, March 30, 2008

Our Little Andrew

The other night after dinner we were sitting reading the daily calender since our two little ones like to read them at every meal so they can color them.
Andrew told me "that Jesus had washed his heart all clean, and all the bad sins were gone.....
I was a bit surprised to hear that from him since I haven't been pushing anything on him or talking to him about it recently.
I asked him what is a sin?
He told me that when he is not nice ..and when he hits Matthan and doesn't listen to mommy and bees mean that is what a sin is. Then he continued to tell me that I was bad too.... and he wonted to know if I let Jesus into my heart too ...what a big thing to come from a four year old I thought.
I told him that yes.... I did have Jesus in my heart and that I did let him wash my sins away too.
I asked how do you get saved Andrew?
He said to me that Jesus ..."as he spared his arms out as wide as he could" was on the cross and the bad men nailed his hands and stabbed him on his side..... as he pointed to his hands and side.... and made him bleed and Jesus blood washed us all clean....
He put it plainly ...Jesus took the spanking for us so we could go to heaven even know we get some sometimes too cuz Jesus was NEVER!!! bad.
Wow I was so excited I started t o cry and he was upset cuz he wonted to know why I was sad now and I told him that mommy was not sad that I was so happy to hear that he let Jesus into his heart that mommy was crying happy tears. Well I thought it would be so neat to share our little experience with everyone so you all could find out how net it was for our oldest to accept Jesus as his saviour.
He Keeps telling Matthan how Jesus Is in his heart and that he wont's in his heart too but Matthan just looks at him and walks away he puts such infuses in it it is so sweet to see.He keeps asking me off the wall questions like is everybody saved? and why not? and don't they know? and on and on he also has been singing over and over Jesus Loves me ...Yes Jesus loves me he seem so happy I am so happy for him.